Few Facts

Few Facts

If words were objects instead of feelings

transformed into sound,

the things you say would upset me.


The world values how many people you possess,

the size of your garage, the number of cars inside.

Integrity is deluded solitaire.

Compassion counts only by its market rate.

The difference between truth and reality

adds up to few facts.

Inconveniences for the rich; life or death for the rest of us


who float into heaven through welcoming gates.

The narrow needle’s eye chokes the wealthy into hell.

Wait until then, but now in the here, what

we thought was just postponed will never be.

Our expectations are insufficiently low.


We take refuge in prayer.

We affirm Thy Will Be Done.

They hammer nails into our palms

before we whisper amen.

                                                         — Timothy Herrick/2013

                                                        Copyright held  by author/2013